Once again, when I got into class the next day, Pinnacle Studios did not work. No one in my group knew if this was a recurring issue with just us or if the program was down. What was weird though was that the program was working for everybody else. Additionally, I made sure that the issue was not on only one computer. Like last time, I grabbed a couple more computers to check if they worked. A group member suggested that we log in the computer with a different account. He gave us permission to use his login and when he selected Pinnacle Studios, it loaded. I immediately began importing all of the takes and videos that we would need to film. I only had about twenty minutes but I figured that I would be able to edit the next day and grab the same computer. When I arrived, the computer had no battery at all. I plugged in the computer and decided to log in with other computers. I began signing in with both usernames until I came across computer 9. I had completely forgotten that that was the computer that I used for my last project where I needed to edit. Pinnacle Studios worked and I used the remaining time to import all of the files. I had to do this process twice since I was editing on a different computer. Since the majority of the class period was taken up by trying to find a suitable computer, I really was only able to cut some takes.
I came into the class during study hall the next day to try to advance. I knew that I would have to respect the students' work in this class meaning that if a group needed to edit on computer 9, I would have to give it to them. I had logged on to the computer about 8 minutes before the bell rang so that gave me several minutes to see if anyone used computer 9. Unfortunately, I only edited for about 15 minutes before a group came up to me and asked for the computer. For the remainder of the class period, I decided that at home I could edit on IMovie. To do this, I had to email myself every single take so that I would be able to access the videos on my phone.
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