Thursday, February 27, 2020

Editing Blog: Audio difficulties

   When originally choosing our partners for the final exam, I knew that each of my group members had their own strengths regarding media studies. In my case, I was able to quickly understand and learn how to edit. Once we had finally been able to film, on the day that my group and I had media studies, I grabbed computer 16 to start editing. I wanted to guide Amy and Aitan during editing so that I wouldn't be the only one handling all of the takes. I would tell them individually how to do certain things when getting ready to edit. I taught them how to move the takes from the SD card to files and where to select "new movie" to remove Pinnacle Studio's example film. When trying to find the files where the videos were placed though, I had trouble locating them as some weren't working. When I selected the videos that I had assumed were from our filming day, a pop-up explained that those files could not be opened. I tried different folders but every file said the same thing. Finally, I decided to highlight all of the files i had originally assumed were ours and create a folder to place them in.
   I then began instructing again. I asked Amy to leave files and go to Pinnacle Studios. She selected import and I told her to go to "my computer." The folder I had created however, was not there. I got the computer again and started to choose the other options available. When I finally selected "videos," all of the takes appeared and I passed Amy the computer again. Once I was sure that all videos were checked off, I told her to click import. It took about five minutes for all of our takes to load. I was going to begin to edit once Aitan finished deleting unnecessary takes. When I got the computer, I tried to play a couple of the scenes to see how they turned out. I knew that barely any videos had sound but I assumed that I would've been able to hear Amy's heavy breathing. I turned the volume all the way up but no sound was emitted from the computer. I went to my teacher for help, but we were not able to come up with any solutions. By the time we finally finished, the class ended and there was no significant amount of editing done.

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