Sunday, April 5, 2020

Re-Editing Blog: Editing through the Complications

   Thankfully, when I got to class, the computer that I picked out worked perfectly. Like I have done various times, I downloaded all of the files from the SD card to the computer. From here, I imported these files into Pinnacle Studios. It took a while for the program to work and load. Once I deleted as of the clips from the example movie, I began selecting the takes that I would be choosing. This took me a while because my group and I had filmed many takes per scene. Once I had all of the scenes in order, I began to cut the unneccessary segments for several takes. This also took me quite a long time as I wanted to match each scene perfectly with the one that followed. I would say that I was working at a pretty fast pace since I was behind but, I also was relieved that I had an entire class period to edit. I left class thinking that I would have more days in class to edit with the same computer. I was prepared and knew exactly what I had to get done but unfornately, COVID-19 had other plans.
   School is postponed until May 1st at the moment and I have been spending the last two weeks trying to determine what would be the best option for my group. Nothing that I had edited was accessable as everything was edited on school computers. I would be lying if I said that this major change in the school schedule didn't stress me out. I have actually been extremely anxious wondering about my AICE classes and exams. Luckily, my group has our own SD card that doesn't belong to the school. I figured that the best choice would be to download Pinnacle Studios on my own computer and divide the cost between my group members. There are several advantages to this as I am able to edit on my own schedule and work at a quicker pace since my computer isn't so slow in comparison to those at school. However, there are also disadvantages. It is more difficult for me to express my concerns and ideas with Amy and Aitan since we can only talk to each other virtually. Also, I am on a tight schedule since so much valuable time has past. I am only hoping that I can finish the final video and have a great product.

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