Today in media studies, my teacher began teaching by explaining to the class how to manage a camera and a tripod by discussing the functions that each device had. As for importing, I learned how to transfer footage. Initially, with the SD card inserted in the computer, I’d have to create a folder where my footage would be stored as a precaution and dump the takes from my SD card into the folder on the computer. Afterwards, on pinnacle, to find the footage, all takes should be found on DCIM. However, if the footage is not found in that folder, then it would most likely be found after selecting PRIVATE, AVCHD, BDMV, and STREAM. Once the footage is found, they should be highlighted and dragged into the new folder.
For editing, our raw footage would have to be dragged onto the tracks in the order wanted for the film. There are three main tracks that will be used. Av Track 1 is used for titles and headings. AV Track 2 is used for film. AV Track 3 is used for music purposes. Once the footage in placed in AV Track 2, the playbar can be used is necessary to watch specific parts of the film. Additionally, the playbar can serve as a tool to remove irrelevant scenes that aren’t wanted. To do this, I’d have to place the playbar right before the part to I do not want included in the film and select the razor blade icon. After the scene is separated, the scene not wanted would have to be selected and deleted.
To add features to the scenes, I would right-click on the screen where different options would be presented. One of these is Effects Editor. If this tab is selected, a new screen is shown with options: Transitions, Corrections, and Effects. Furthermore, right-clicking can also serve to speed up, slow down, or reverse any footage. To add sound from a scene, the objective would be to remove the soundwaves that correspond with that scene. This is done by right-clicking and detaching the audio and deleting it, leaving only the footage. To have a voiceover, rather than deleting the audio, the film would be deleted and the audio would be placed wherever the voiceover is hoped to be played. For the title or headings, select the option “T” and drag new scene to AV Track 1. Afterwards, on the right side of the video shown on the top right corner of the screen, should be choices that would alter the appearance of the titles. Exporting refers to the removal of footage from Pinnacle and into viewing. In order to export the footage, tap file. From there, ensure that the options are selected on M-PEG 4 and SD(best quality). These would normally only be different during the very beginning of the start of editing and filming. All tabs should be deleted except for the largest. This one should be minimized. This would render all the scenes. This means that any awkward gaps between the scenes would be removed making them blend together.
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