Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Editing the Commercial

   On October 25th, our group came into class with the mindset that we were going to edit our commercial. All of us got to class a couple minutes before the bell rang to watch our takes. We wanted to ensure that we had everything that we needed and that we didn't need to film any more videos. Thankfully, Amy has an SD card, making the process of importing the videos easier. We successfully imported the videos with more ease than one who does not acquire their own card. I was checking out the camera, it's bag, and a tripod, assuming that we would have to re-film certain clips of our commercial. While I was doing this, Emiliano was working on trying to import the videos on the file into Pinnacle studios. When I arrived with the equipment, I was pretty frustrated because I thought that my group members were distracted and weren't focusing. I, however, was wrong.
   After each attempt of trying to import the takes, a message would pop up. It would inform us that we would have to log into Pinnacle Studios. This was unusual as Pinnacle Studios was already an app available on the computer desktop. We called over Mrs. Cats so that she would we able to help us. She put in the username and password in order to let us attempt to start editing. When we then tried once again, the same message appeared and we realized that we wouldn't be able to get past this one part. Unfortunately, every other "functioning" computer was already taken so we thought that we would have to wait for another group to finish editing. I put quotes around functioning because any computer in the room that has internet, regardless of any another issues it attains, is considered as working. The computers that we are provided in this classroom are from 2008. This means that they are extremely slow and tend to glitch often.
   Our group tried to think creatively as to how we could import the videos. Emiliano tried a multitude of attempts before I decided to see if my previous notes from importing our takes would assist us in any way. I got my paper and sat down beside Emiliano. I re-read every single direction that I wrote down and yet we still could not seem to find a way that would allow us to start editing. Desperation starting to hit all of us, we called over Mrs. Cats. After a couple of minutes, she came over and tried to import the videos but she also was not able to. She became tired of re-trying the same technique that she had taught us so she went for a different approach. Mrs. Cats highlighted all of the takes and dragged them to Pinnacle Studios. Normally, this would have worked, but in this case it did not.   Mrs. Cats explained to our group that she didn't want us to learn how to import our clips this way because she didn't want to show us shortcuts. Rather, she wanted us to learn how to import our videos the traditional way. Mrs. Cats continued to try her own techniques of importing videos but none of them worked. A while passed and we were able to hear complaints from other groups. As I listened closer, the majority of the class was experiencing the same problem as us and were not able to start editing. Today was supposed to be the day that our group finished editing and submitted the commercial however, the problem still remains. Now, the entirety of the class is simply hoping that laptops are given to us with Pinnacle Studios installed to go back to working on the commercial.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming the Commercial

   In order to begin the filming process for the Gatorade commercial, a consent form had to be signed. I got the sheet from a cubby and brought it to my group. While they signed it, I retrieved the camera and its bag, a tripod, and a pass to film outside on the track and field. Before our group headed to the track, I grabbed all of the equipment and props that I had brought with me. I brought a football, a towel, and a watch. I planned to use both the towel and the watch as I ran in the commercial. I also brought an organic Gatorade bottle and strawberry Gatorade chewables. I got changed, as well as the other athletes, and my group headed to the field.
   I was the first athlete to be filmed. My role was to get into starting position in order to begin sprinting. Regrettably, the last time that I actually attempted doing this was in eighth grade so multiple takes had to be done. After my group decided on a take for the commercial, we moved on to Andrew who was going to do push-ups. I ensured that the appropriate props were being displaced on the scene and that the Gatorade brand would be demonstrated from where the camera was. I also assisted in deciding the directions from which the scene should've been filmed. I tried various angles to determine which the sun would compliment best. Once that scene was complete, another one of my scenes was filmed. In this case, I decided to place the towel on the fence and a track bag on the ground with a Gatorade bottle nearby. Originally, it had been discussed that I would simply look tired from running and proceed with the rest of the scene. However, I brought up the idea to run up to the fence to add a realistic approach. Additionally, I ran approximately 200 meters to actually seem as if I was tired.
   Our group's first idea was for there to be a football player. Unfortunately, the athlete that was supposed to have this role, did not bring the appropriate clothing to act as a football player. Amy and I then brainstormed and decided that she could act as a gymnast. On that morning before school, I had thought that an instance like this would occur. Consequently, I brought an extra shirt. With a new and revised plan, Amy and I hurried back to the school building. There, we quickly changed and I gave her the extra shirt and the shorts that I was wearing. We returned back to the track and started filming immediately to avoid any time complications. I thought that Amy should've been located relatively near where Andrew was filmed for sunlight purposes. I also felt that the scene should have been filmed from the side rather than the front. My reasoning behind this was to show the full complexity of what Amy was doing.

Monday, October 21, 2019


   In order to determine how we were going to actually film our storyboard, our group collaborated on how each scene should be shot. In the first scene, a girl would be getting into starting position in order to run. In the shot the camera movement will be a tilt. This means that the camera will move vertically, slowly revealing the runner. The scene will be shot as a low angle. This would demonstrate the scene as an upwards movement, where the camera would shoot upwards, below the subject. The scene will also be a long shot. This means that it would show the entire body of the runner. The second shot will be a scene of a football player getting into position to throw a ball. This seem like a shot from the side and will be a longshot as well. The third scene will be a boy stretching his arms in preparation to do push-ups. This scene will be shown as a medium shot meaning of that the scene would only show the waist of the boy and up. Ultimately the first three scenes will be each athlete preparing for a different sport.

   The fourth scene will be a split screen. It will be showing each athlete consuming a different Gatorade product. Additionally, the shot will be an eye level shot. This means that the camera would be shooting straight forward. In every scene there would be a medium close-up on the athletes which would show the chest area and up. At the end of the scene, there will be a fade out meaning that the scene would become a black screen. For the next scene, it will continue to be a split screen and an eye level shot. Each third of the screen would fade in to the action that the athletes are doing. The scenes would be long shots, showing the whole body of each athlete. At the same time, each scene would fade out into a black screen and then show a title screen that will show the word “Gatorade” on with a black background.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

Today in media studies, my teacher began teaching by explaining to the class how to manage a camera and a tripod by discussing the functions that each device had. As for importing, I learned how to transfer footage. Initially, with the SD card inserted in the computer, I’d have to create a folder where my footage would be stored as a precaution and dump the takes from my SD card into the folder on the computer. Afterwards, on pinnacle, to find the footage, all takes should be found on DCIM. However, if the footage is not found in that folder, then it would most likely be found after selecting PRIVATE, AVCHD, BDMV, and STREAM. Once the footage is found, they should be highlighted and dragged into the new folder.

For editing, our raw footage would have to be dragged onto the tracks in the order wanted for the film. There are three main tracks that will be used. Av Track 1 is used for titles and headings. AV Track 2 is used for film. AV Track 3 is used for music purposes. Once the footage in placed in AV Track 2, the playbar can be used is necessary to watch specific parts of the film. Additionally, the playbar can serve as a tool to remove irrelevant scenes that aren’t wanted. To do this, I’d have to place the playbar right before the part to I do not want included in the film and select the razor blade icon. After the scene is separated, the scene not wanted would have to be selected and deleted.

To add features to the scenes, I would right-click on the screen where different options would be presented. One of these is Effects Editor. If this tab is selected, a new screen is shown with options: Transitions, Corrections, and Effects. Furthermore, right-clicking can also serve to speed up, slow down, or reverse any footage. To add sound from a scene, the objective would be to remove the soundwaves that correspond with that scene. This is done by right-clicking and detaching the audio and deleting it, leaving only the footage. To have a voiceover, rather than deleting the audio, the film would be deleted and the audio would be placed wherever the voiceover is hoped to be played. For the title or headings, select the option “T” and drag new scene to AV Track 1. Afterwards, on the right side of the video shown on the top right corner of the screen, should be choices that would alter the appearance of the titles. Exporting refers to the removal of footage from Pinnacle and into viewing. In order to export the footage, tap file. From there, ensure that the options are selected on M-PEG 4 and SD(best quality). These would normally only be different during the very beginning of the start of editing and filming. All tabs should be deleted except for the largest. This one should be minimized. This would render all the scenes. This means that any awkward gaps between the scenes would be removed making them blend together.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog for Gatorade Commerical

Today, our group had to determine what props would be used in the commercial, how our athletes would be dressed, record when all of our blogs are due, decide where each activity should be filmed, and where these would be filmed in case the weather does not permit. We all had to decide what products we'd use to be filmed to promote Gatorade and what props would add to the overall environment. For costumes, we decided that the clothing should just be basic fitness clothing to further clarify what we are doing. We determined where each exercise would be and where they would be filmed if that were not available.

For props, athletes will each have different items in their surroundings that contribute to their training/exercise. General props that could be used in any situation would include towels used to wipe off sweat, a watch to time speed, a bag that would be assumed to contain sports equipment, and any actual equipment that would be needed to clearly demonstrate the message. After brainstorming for how our Gatorade commercial should be set up, my group has decided that there would be different elements that would accentuate the concept that Gatorade improves athletic performance and refreshes those who consume it. Gatorade is a company that produces multiple products and we’d like to promote three of them to highlight variety. Furthermore, the essential props needed for the commercial would be the three different Gatorade products being the sports drink, chewables, and an energy bar that each athlete would eat after their exercise.

As for costumes, the three athletes presented would be wearing fitness clothing that allows them to be comfortable as they train. The clothing is meant to be conventional to show that anyone is able to exercise without feeling pressurized into fitting into any “stereotypes” where clothes need to fit specific measurements, or shoes need to have a brand, or that without talent, one cannot succeed. The diverse clothing is meant to stimulate that message and produce a feeling of inclusion that would be remembered when one thinks of Gatorade. Additionally, vibrant colors may be used to contrast the athlete from the environment and ensure that he/she stands out.

  • 10/11/2019- We created the planning blog pertaining to everything that we need to have in the commercial, such as props and costumes as well as timing and places in which we are going to shoot the film.
  • 10/15/2019- We are going to create the storyboard for our commercial, finish it that day and get it approved as well. From there, we want to move on and potentially start recording. 
  • 10/22/2019- We are going to start recording on this day. We are going to make our way to the track and begin shooting our scenes with our actors, props, and costumes.
  • 10/24/2019- We are going to edit our video and make our blog explaining our editing process and what each member did to contribute to that process. 

This commercial is to be filmed during 9:20am to 10:50am where sunlight is normally plentiful and strong, which would allow for better clarity. All athletes would be exercising on the track. One would be running, another would be throwing a football, and another would be doing doing a push up. The person who is running will be doing so on the actual track. The person throwing a football will be doing so in the center of the football field. The person doing the push ups will be doing so on the track near the shed. 

In the case where the weather of the day that the commercial is being filmed is stormy, the scenes would most likely be filmed on concrete under metal roofs where rain is not a conflict. However, if weather permits and there is light rain, the athletes can proceed to train on the track. Many times, when commercials are filmed under tough circumstances, such as rain, it motivates the audience and shows them that one can persist even the strongest of forces. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research Conventions and Codes

The commercial that our group decided to do is for the promotion of Gatorade. In most Gatorade commercials, you have athletes training or doing sports. The Gatorade usually refreshes the athlete and is implied to influence his/her good performance after a long and extraneous workout. The Gatorade bottle is usually full and can be multiple different colors depending on what they're trying to sell. The bottle is normally wet from condensation to add to the feeling of refreshment to the product. Gatorade also sells energy bars and chewables, which provides a variety of products for athletes to choose from.
Usually, a Gatorade commercial has bright lighting if it's outside or dim lighting if it's in a gym to highlight the athlete and the product. It's either in a gymnasium or outside on a field. There is usually a crowd in the background making noise to add to the environment of the scene. The athlete takes a break from his exercise to consume the product and then comes back into his exercise renewed and refreshed or consumes Gatorade after a won competition to provide a reasoning for a great performance.
Overall, the main message of any Gatorade commercial is to ensure that the audience is aware that Gatorade can essentially better any athletic accomplishment.

Conventions of Gatorade commercials:
  • Athletes 
  • Workout materials
  • Track
  • Gym
  • Bright lighting 
  • Dim lighting
Image result for light blue gatorade

Image result for gatorade products

Image result for gatorade protein bar

Sunday, October 6, 2019


   Hey guys!! My name is Katherine and I’m a tenth grader at FLHS. I think that my life is pretty great. I view myself as a hard-worker and a motivated student. Since kindergarten I have been able to attend school everyday and maintain perfect attendance, regardless of any colds, fevers, or pink eye... Additionally, ever since letter grades were used, I’ve maintained straight A’s in all of my classes. I’m definitely very competitive and I try to express myself in many ways however, mainly through track. I have been apart of track and field since sixth grade and cross country since eighth grade. I love track because it helps me deal with any stress that I’m facing by helping me use up all my energy on running. Unfortunately, I happen to get injuries pretty often. I’ve gotten shin splints three times and a hip flexor strain but somehow, I always recover.
   This year, I have tried to get more involved in clubs that don’t interfere with track and so far I joined book club. If I’m being honest, I stopped reading books in middle school because I was convinced that I had lost interest and I wouldn’t have time. However, this summer I decided to start reading again as I began volunteering in a library. I started off pretty slow but once I started the Red Queen series, I literally could not stop. Totalled up, I read 13 books during the summer and I am still going at it, currently reading the last book of The Lunar Chronicles.
   When it come to my friends, I can't think of anyone else who I'd rather have by my side. Of my closest friends, I've known one since first grade, another since sixth, another since eighth, and the most recent since ninth. My friends are genuinely amazing people and they each obtain characteristics that distinguish them from everybody else. We all go to the same school and even though we see each other every morning and afternoon, we try to get together after school and on the weekends. I would say that generally, the most common place that we'd go to would be a restaurant or someone's house but honestly, we could be anywhere and still have a substantial amount of fun.
   As for my likes and dislikes, most people that know me are aware that I absolutely love ice cream. My favorite flavor is chocolate but put any type of flavor in a bowl and I'll devour it. This excludes mint chocolate chip however, because I have never been able to eat that disgusting combination. For the most part, I am pretty lenient with most things that people dislike or have a pet peeve with except for when people interrupt each other and don't let the message across.
   Thanks for reading, sincerely, Kathy.