After a couple of days where my group and I weren't able to continue with our commercial, Pinnacle Studios was finally installed into the available laptops. The class before we began to edit, Amy and I were permitted to film our voiceovers in an adjacent room. This room was quieter since most students were either in the classrooms or finishing last minute takes outside. I thought that to edit, it would be easier if we stayed within the same room in order to hear our clips better so I shared this idea with my group. Once we entered the room, we filmed the necessary voiceovers that we needed. When we had all of our clips, Emi imported them into Pinnacle Studios and everyone started collaborating on the commercial. It was decided upon that I would be in charge of making the split screen. This part would be difficult because the class was never taught how to do one meaning that I would have to ask the teacher for advice to understand. I had to wait until Amy installed all the sound and voiceovers into AV Track 3 and Andrew cutted the clips to the necessary length that matched with the sounds. It would then be my turn to replicate what I drew on the storyboard onto Pinnacle Studies as an actual video.
On the storyboard for the Gatorade commercial, I drew a split screen that would be shown towards the end of the commercial. In this scene, every athlete would be shown one by one doing their activity at best performance after the consumption of the Gatorade products. My objective for editing would be attempting to find out how to change the size of the clips and how to adjust their time duration. When it was my turn for the editing process, I first went to Mrs. Cats so that she could show me the basics of a split screen. I first told her what three scenes I was planning on incorporating. She told me that I had to add two additional AV tracks. These new tracks would have only one scene per, being the second and the third clip of the split screen. Mrs. Cats also showed me that in order to change the size of the scene, I would have to right click and select Open Effects Editor.
As I adjusted the scenes in their separate tracks, I realized that in order to make only one third of the split screen appear at a time, instead of placing the scenes directly above each other, I had to place them relatively next to each other. While I was doing this however, I noticed that the video would glitch slightly when played. My teacher told me that this was due to errors in the cutting stage where a sliver of a scene was cut. I was taught that to delete these, so that they wouldn't interfere with the split screen, I would have to select the three dots next to the AV tracks. This allowed me to see every single scene and delete unnesscessary ones with ease. Once I fixed the order of the scenes and adjusted it to match with the audio, I opened Effects Editor for every third. I selected the first option: 2D-3D. After that, I selected 2D Editor Advanced. Once the scene could be seen on the computer, I selected preset to be no preset. Then, I began to play around with the position, size, rotation, and transparency of the clips until they came out nicely. For position and size, I only adjusted horizontal changes rather than vertical, in which I had to unlock the settings for the numbers to be different. For position, each scene starting from the first one, would require a larger number horizontally to change where the scene would appear. As for size, the horizontal number were relatively similar since the screen would have to be divided equally.
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